The marketing technique is quite simple to the modern user of the internet. First you find a song worthy of sharing to the audience the users are familiar with. After researching the song and possibly how the artist feels about the individual song, you then post your article which is the main content for users to read and listen to. Each page visit is "$" for the founder of the blog because the better the content is the more money he can make. As the visitors keep pouring in then advertisements become another tool of the blog. The blog offers possible apparel of what the artists are wearing in the music video shared on the blog. Therefore the blog owner is paid per visit to the other pages which is an easy source of revenue once the web page is updated to the users accessibility.
The power of ones opinion of music, discovery of music and the access does not come for free which I have learned. I always looked at music blogs as a simple way of finding music for myself but more than just I are bettering myself as a listener. Web designers and many more job opportunities are open due to this involvement into blogs. There is so much more than what the radio has to offer and there is always a new way to listen to music. The journey of a music listener is creative and the ones who create the path sometimes do not even know what they created or where the web will take them. A facebook like by a big name producer in the hollywood industry could come through or The possibilities are unknown and will keep changing due to the age of advanced technology we live in today.